An ongoing union strike at Kennedy Space Center led to this satire of the typical scene at the entrance gate. ... (Read More) (Added by Luke Setzer on 7/24, 6:02am)Discuss this Insensitive Joke (7 messages) We need a "Add Cartoon" section button. ... (Read More) (Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 7/24, 3:42am)Discuss this Insensitive Joke (2 messages) Subject: Fwd: President Bush Resignation Speech ... (Read More) (Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 5/13, 12:32am)Discuss this Insensitive Joke (9 messages) (Added by Bob Palin on 4/28, 1:41pm) Discuss this Insensitive Joke (75 messages) (Added by Bob Palin on 7/29, 4:26am) Discuss this Insensitive Joke (7 messages) Female Poem I want a man who's handsome, smart and strong; one who loves to listen long; one who thinks before he speaks; one who'll call, not wait for weeks. I want him to be gainfully employed; when I spend his cash, be not annoyed; pulls out my chair, and opens my door; massages my back, and begs to do more. Oh! for ma... (Read More) (Added by Luke Setzer on 7/25, 6:08am)Discuss this Insensitive Joke (3 messages) The latest scam in the Phoenix area is happening at the Paradise Valley Mall. ... (Read More) (Added by Luke Setzer on 1/07, 3:50pm)Discuss this Insensitive Joke (3 messages) ... (Read More) (Added by Landon Erp on 12/26, 12:50pm)Discuss this Insensitive Joke (0 messages) (Originally posted to Pax Baculum by McWriter) (Read More) (Added by Duncan Bayne on 9/28, 10:08pm)Discuss this Insensitive Joke (9 messages) An elderly man was walking through the French countryside, admiring the beautiful spring day, when over a hedgerow he spotted a young couple making love in a field. Getting over his initial shock he said to himself, "Ah, young love... ze spring time, ze air, ze flowers... C'est magnifique!", and continued to watch, remembering the good old day's ... (Read More) (Added by Marty Lewinter on 9/18, 11:25pm)Discuss this Insensitive Joke (5 messages) |